In order for free agent teams to be successful, they require volunteers to help out as:
Head Coach or Assistant coaches
Scorekeepers/ Timekeepers
At the time of player registration, parents/guardians can indicate their interest to volunteer. The roles and responsibilities listed below are a loose guideline and you can tailor them to best suit the needs of your team and the coaching staff.
The role of the Coach is to provide an adult mentor behind the bench to provide instruction and guidance where needed. Equal playing time for players should be a priority. Coaches are the main point of contact for the team and are the main liaison between the league and their respective teams.
We required that Coaches:
Although it is an asset to have a hockey background or to be knowledgeable in the sport, it is not mandatory. Individuals with previous coaching certification will have priority.
Assistant Coaches:
Assistant Coaches will assist the head coach in running the bench and helping out where needed.
Manager’s roles can vary from team to team. They can facilitate communication between the coaching staff and the parents, assign parents to volunteer, or arrange any off ice activities.
Scorekeepers / Timekeepers:
Arenas have automated time clocks that, once set, will run for the allotted amount of time. Scorekeeping can be done from the game sheet app. The coach will provide them with the specific game code in order to use the app.
This is a fast-paced game with no stoppage in play after a goal is scored. Referees will not come over to the timekeepers box to announce who scored the goal. Scorekeepers need to keep an eye on the play in order to track which player has scored. Please do your best to mark it as accurately as possible. In addition, there will be a scorekeeper/timekeeper volunteer from the other team in the box with you, providing another set of eyes to help out.
Additional Helpers:
Coaches and Managers may reach out to parents to assist with other duties as needed. Please offer to help out if required.
Keep in mind that it is not always possible for the coaching staff to be present at every game but there must be at least one adult on the bench at all times.
Most importantly, it’s only a game. The kids play to have FUN and improve their hockey skills.